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It seems that the truth is harder to come to terms with than science.Maybe nobody wants to take the blame, and that’s ok. Don’t blame yourself for what occurs naturally, but it’s time to take responsibility for your actions of today, going forward. People like Al Gore have been in politics for a long time, and he has made it his goal to not only make the general population aware of what we are doing to our planet, but to give us hope and the tools to change it(Dean).Ignorance can no longer be bliss. It seems like no matter where we look nowadays, there is something catastrophic happening in the world around us, in the natural world around us. The icebergs and ice shelves are melting at crazy rates. We see the weather being more dramatic than ever. And it’s not getting better.Yes, these are naturally occurring trends, but not at the current rates.As Gore shows and tells us, we are doing this to ourselves now(Dean).Even if we were able to slow it down, the negative effects will grow and show after we have passed on.Even if we don’t want to believe science, that’s ok.If we don’t want to take the blame, that’s ok too. What we do need to do is be responsible for ourselves and live responsibly.If we can slow it down, even a bit, it means that the trend can slow, the devastation can slow. When people say climate change is a myth, it punches the face of reality.The debate is not a debate at all. All someone has to do to know there is such thing is climate change is to look at the world’s history. If there was no such thing as climate change, then there would have never been an Ice Age, and we would never have come out of it. Climate change is natural, what we do to accelerate it is unnatural.

Dean, Cornelia. “Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet.” The New

York Times, 22 May 2007, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

earth/22ander.html?_r=0. Acces

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