A project will be carried out throughout the course in which personality information will be collected and analyzed by each individual for application in the work place. A final paper will report on the application of this personality information in the choice of a vocation and in successful orientation to the workplace.

This assignment will address the second step in preparing for the final paper, considering vocational fit based on Big 5 Personality Traits.

This topic is covered in this week’s Final Assignment Preparation Reading, Chapter 12 Personality in the Workplace, Vocational Fit Based on the Big 5, pp. 325-330.

The “Test for Vocational Fit” provides an analysis of fit with particular careers.

Write a 1 to 3 page paper (500-700 words) concerning vocational fit as it applies to you based on your Big 5 Personality Traits and your “Test of Vocational Fit” results. To do so describe in what ways you think the Big Five Personality Traits you have identified for yourself and the results of the Test for Vocational Fit may be helpful in your career choice.


  • Cite the textbook within the paper when using information from it. Use APA citing style.
  • For help with the APA citing style, if needed, see the following, Taylor, D. (2017, May 4). In-Text Citations Made Easy. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbyJdMz-Ato.
  • Complete the reference section with the sources you cite. Complete it in APA style.
  • For help with completing the reference section, if needed, see the following, Jones, B., & Hurley, G. (2012, September 10). Purdue OWL: APA Formatting: Reference List Basics. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpAOi8-WUY4.
  • The word count does not include the abstract or the references.
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