Introductions Matter: How to Begin a Speech Effectively (Links to an external site.)
Concluding with Power (Links to an external site.)
Answer the following questions:
- What are the five basic functions of an introduction? Which purpose you think is the most important. Why?
- Why is establishing a relationship with one’s audience important? How do you plan on establishing a relationship with your audience during your next speech?
- Of the three factors of credibility, which do you think is going to be hardest to establish with your peers during your next speech? Why? What can you do to enhance your peers’ perception of your credibility?
- People tend to remember the information at the beginning of a speech and at the end of a speech. What is this process called?
- What is the device a speaker uses at the end of a speech to ensure that the audience is left with a mental picture predetermined by the speaker?
- Miller’s (1946) concluding device “reference to audience” can best be summed up by which phrase?
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