Unit learning outcomes:

1- Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

•Demonstrate a critical understanding of the entrepreneurial character, start-up and growth strategies, and business planning.

2- Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

Formulate and produce a comprehensive viable business model following a critical assessment of a market opportunity, using creativity, innovation, and an understanding of financial resource implications.

What am I required to do in this assignment?

A reflective report (25%) on whether you have entrepreneurial character traits and the implications for you, based upon online psychometric instruments including the General Enterprise Tendency test.

Its aim is to get you to use the academic skills learned at Business School 1 to help you assess whether you have the character traits and other characteristics of an entrepreneur and to reflect on the implications of this.

Complete the General Enterprise Tendency test (GET) on http://www.get2test.net. Explain the meaning of the results (see chapter 2 New Venture Creation). A copy of your test results must be submitted with your report.

Provide evidence that supports (or contradicts) these results. For example:

•Other psychometrics tests such as the ‘AULIVE’ creativity test on www.testmycreativity.com Please acknowledge the use of any test results that have been submitted on other MBA assessments. A copy of any other tests relied upon must also be submitted with your report.

•Examples of your actions and behaviors over your life and business career.

Give a brief account of the antecedent influences on your character traits such as education, family background, work experience etc., linking specific influences with specific traits wherever possible.

Reflect on and provide conclusions about your character traits and the implications for your career aspirations. Please do not include any elements that have been submitted marked in previous submissions.

Very Important Notes:

•Show evidence of relevant topic research

•Through evidence of critical analysis reflect upon your personal qualities or character traits in respect of those of an entrepreneur by effective use of psychometric instruments

•Demonstrate adequate evidence of analysis and evaluation of results of the self-assessment exercises

•Present your work as a formal report and include references in Harvard style within the text and in the reference list

Note That: I’ve already did the Test as well as the Results, inside files named “Results” and “General Question Measure of Enterprising Tendency v2 – GET2 (Question)”.

*** Words counts = 1000 words.

*** I have uploaded two attachments named “Results” and “General Question Measure of Enterprising Tendency v2 – GET2 (Question)”.

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