For this Assignment, you will complete the following:
- After reviewing this video Porter’s Five Competitive Forces (Links to an external site.) (Video file, 13 min 11 sec), conduct a detailed Five Forces analysis for your assigned company(Jetblue). Your analysis should be thorough, incorporate scholarly research, and cover:
- Please adrress five points in bold.
- Corporate Threats of New Entrants
- Corporate Threat of Substitutes
- Supplier Power
- Buyer Power
- And, Competitive Rivalry
Illustration of Porter’s 5 Forces. By Grahams Child [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons
Your deliverables include:
- A 3 page written analysis; APA formatted MS Word document.
- Written evaluation for each force highlighted above. Justification should be supported by scholarly evidence (i.e. – peer-reviewed journal articles; 10K report, etc.).
- III. Corporate Level Strategy AnalysisA. Identify corporate level strategy (i.e. related/unrelated diversification, vertical/horizontal integration, etc.)B. Identify strategic business units/divisionsC. Analyze the relationship among the company’s businesses units/divisions
- Do the business units’/divisions’ trade or exchange resources? Why? How?
- Or, is the company just running a portfolio of investments? Explain.
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