(1)GO online and find 2 different structural engineering consulting firms: one from Alabama and one


from anywhere else. If you cannot find the required information, choose another firm until you do! Each


answer should be labeled (a1 ..etc…) and they should be answered in complete sentences.


(a) You are to write a short description of firm1 that must include: (a1) the firm’s website, (a2)

how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (a3) how many people

the company employees, (a4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do, (a5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (a6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you

found interesting or appealing.

(b) You are to write a short description of firm2 that must include: (b1) the firm’s website, (b2) how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (b3) how many people

the company employees, (b4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do,, (b5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (b6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you

found interesting or appealing.

(c) Write a short comparison between the companies explain differences and similarities (~3-5 sentences)

2- GO online and find 2 different environmental engineering consulting firms: one from Alabama and


one from anywhere else. If you cannot find the required information, choose another firm until you do!


Each answer should be labeled (a1 ..etc…) and they should be answered in complete sentences.

a- write to a short description of firm1 that must include: (a1) the firm’s website, (a2)

how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (a3) how many people

the company employees, (a4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do,, (a5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (a6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you

found interesting or appealing.

b- You are to write a short description of firm2 that must include: (b1) the firm’s website, (b2) how long firm has been in business (or a state you cannot find that), (b3) how many people

the company employees, (b4) discussion of whether they are local, regional, national, or

international in the projects they do,, (b5) a description of two projects that they have done

recently, and (b6) describe some particular aspect of the company or its culture that you


(c) Write a short comparison between the companies explain differences and similarities (~3-5 sentences)

(3) After completing 1 and 2, think about the two different types of companies: structural and environmental engineering and about how they present themselves. ~1/4 page (12 pt new roman 1.25” margins) discussing your impressions about differences and similarities between structural and environmental firms. Discuss anything you notices in terms of difference in the corporate culture they presented.page1image3239497808

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