In this short paper, you will create an outline of your project management plan. Prompt: Prepare an outline to identify the key milestones (include at least five major tasks or steps for implementation) and deliverables of your project.  State how you intend to manage and balance the scope-time-cost triangle.  Identify the key risks and obstacles that management will have to mitigate for the plan. Identify triggers or signals that management will use to monitor if these risks are occurring or not.  Prepare summary (high level) cost schedule identifying the cost categories for the project—rough order of magnitude (ROM) (very high level) dollar estimates are adequate for this. This can be done in a tabular format for clarity. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:  State your intentions for managing and balancing the scope-time-cost triangle.  Highlight the key risks and obstacles that management will have to mitigate for the plan.  Identify the triggers or signals that management will use to monitor if these risks are occurring or not.  Summarize the cost schedule by providing cost categories for the project—ROM dollar estimates are adequate for this. This can be done in a tabular format for clarity. Guidelines for Submission: Use the outline template to complete this assignment. This short paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: It is submitted as a Word document, 1 to 2 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. All APA citations should reference the course text and at least two additional resources.

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