Eleanor’s parents are both physicians. In college she majored in French, spending a semester in France studying French art and culture.  Upon graduating she surprised her parents by announcing that she applied to medical school.  A close relationship with a friend in nursing and a summer job as a hospital volunteer had helped her arrive at the decision.  Eleanor’s identity status would probably be described as ____________________________. Moratorium Foreclosure Identity Achievement Identity Diffusion Kevin has changed his college major several times. It will be about six years before he graduates. Since his parents have pointedly objected to this extra expense, Kevin has cheerfully taken a variety of jobs ranging from short-order cook to forest fighter. He likes work that allows him time to think and be alone; his new friends are very much the same. Kevin’s grades are generally high, though his record is marred by a number of “incompletes.” He has had one satisfying relationship with a young woman and is searching rather anxiously for another. Kevin’s identity status would probably be described as ____________________. Moratorium Foreclosure Identity Achievement Identity Diffusion Wendy’s mother is a psychologist who is deeply involved in women’s groups and women’s issues. Wendy admires her mother very much, having seen her strength tested in a very bitter divorce when Wendy was just 8 years old. Wendy believed that she, too, will be a strong and assertive woman. She avoids people (especially men) who either don’t see her in that light or try to bring out her “other sides.” She certainly steers clear of her stepmother, who (although pleasant) is a very disorganized and “artsy” person. Wendy’s college grades are very high, and her course selections reflect an unvarying interest in psychology, politics, and women’s studies. Wendy’s identity status would probably be described as _____________________. Moratorium Foreclosure Identity Achievement Identity Diffusion Ronald is a freshman at a college near his old high school. He comes home nearly every weekend but does not enjoy himself once he’s there. He avoids talking to his parents or old high school friends, preferring to play computer games in his room. He gets angry if his parents ask what he considers to be foolish questions, and angrier still if they patronize him. Ronald is enrolled in courses he has been told are easy, and he does not have strong feeling about his studies or his grades. Ronald’s identity status would probably be described as _____________________. Moratorium Foreclosure Identity Achievement Identity Diffusion

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