Please read the introduction for the assignment and the articles i attached below then answer the following question:
The key component of leadership is decision making. Explore this-how do you make a decision?
Find one model of decision making that makes sense to you and briefly discuss (two paragrapghs).
Also, please talk about two different aspects of decision making as two responses for two other students posts (with reference for each response)
So the total is 4 paragraphs, Two for the answer, one for a response, one for another response.
Important notes:
1- Please use APA format for citation
2- Please focus on the model you are going to pick to answer the question, its like a method or a strategy of a decision making.
3- Do not forget to write two paragraphs as two responses for two students discussion board posts, they must be two different aspects of decision making, they also must be with references.
4- You can use an outside resources, but they must be scholarly articles, journals, or websites, whatever.
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