Emotional Intelligence, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, and Globalization

Do some research and answer the following critical thinking questions from this week’s readings. In your analysis, cite a minimum of three (3) references from different sources (the textbook can be one source).Man with laptop open, looking out the window thinking.

Analyze the four key elements of emotional intelligence and how they apply to you as a manager or a student. Are there any elements you need to develop or improve? If so, why. If not, why not?

According to Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, he suggests people are motivated by two things: how much they want something, and how likely they think they will get it. Expectancy is the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance. Apply Vroom’s expectancy theory to explain your level of effort in this class and evaluate if you think your level of effort is reflective of your level of performance. Explain your rationale.

Discuss how the trend toward globalization is impacting the need for companies to effectively manage diversity.

Your submission should be a minimum of two (2), double-spaced, full pages of analysis with proper reference citation per current APA guidelines.

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