Monoculture (practice of growing trees as crops) is practiced on many tree farms around the world. There are around 74,000 tree farmers in the US who manage ~95 million acres of tree plantations (Chiras et al, 2010).
Please watch these short videos on the impact of tree monoculture (oil palm plantations) on the environment and indigenous people:
“The Problem With Palm Oil | Fight for the Forests | TakePart” (2016) at
The Problem With Palm Oil | Fight for the Forests | TakePart (Links to an external site.) and
“Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry is Destroying More Than Forests | TIME” (2016) at Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry is Destroying More Than Forests | TIME (Links to an external site.)
Based on the lecture material, your textbook (p.377-78) and Internet research, describe five advantages and five disadvantages of tree monoculture.
Do you think tree monoculture is a sustainable method of producing wood? Why or why not?
What do you think are the best methods to meet the growing demand for wood?
Please answer the questions (at least 250 words) and respond to at least three of your classmate’s posts.
Please use your critical thinking skills. Try to think outside of the box!
Make sure to cite your sources.
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