I need a radiation safety manual that includes:
Table of Contents:
1- Preface
2- Organization
- Radiation Safety Committee
- Radiation Safety Officer
- Authorized Users
3- Policies
- Using Radioisotopes Safely
- Packaging Delivery and Receiving
- Transportation and Shipping Radioactive Materials
- Spills
- Waste disposal
- Surveys and Contamination Control
- Pregnancy
- Animal handling
4- In-service
- Housekeeping
- Security
5- Personnel Exposures
- Radiation workers
- Non-radiation workers
6- Licenses/Applications
7- Equipment
- Modelsanduse
8- Emergency Procedures
9- Therapy Procedures ([I-131]sodium iodide)
10- Appendixes
- Receiving/ShippingForms
- Declaration of Pregnancy Form
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