Answer the question below base on the book
Ps : you will find the answer easily if you look at the book
What is science?
- · Describe the scientific process using hypothesis, experiment, evidence, theory.
- · Compare the difference between scientific theories and non-scientific ideas.
- · Provide two specific examples of how new evidence can alter or refute previously held theories. Be sure to identify the new pieces of evidence.
Maps, Charts, and Graphs
- · Define longitude and latitude
- · Define GPS coordinates.
- · Locate the five major oceans and seven continents on the globe.
Properties of water Segar (Links to an external site.) Ch. 5 89-93 (Links to an external site.) and Crictical Concepts 1 (Links to an external site.) p451-454
- · Explain how the shape of a water molecule: a) makes ice float; b) gives it a high boiling point c) allows it to dissolve ionic compounds (salts).
- · Calculate the amount of energy required to raise 500 mL of water by 75oC.
- · Define density.
- Explain how the density of water changes with temperature.
Properties of seawater Segar.: Ch. 5 (pp 85-105) (Links to an external site.) and Critical Concepts 1 and 6
- · Explain how the density of water changes with salinity (dissolved salts).
- · List the most 6 abundant elements or ions that are dissolved in water.
- · Define salinity and describe the processes that affect salinity in the surface ocean.
- · Describe how seawater temperature changes with latitude and with depth.
- · Explain what is responsible for the changes.
Earth as a System
- · Describe the major reservoirs and fluxes of the water cycle.
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