Now that you know what kind of research will be needed (via the Research Methods exercise you did), it’s time to do a bit of that research.

Find three significant sources for your community group and values. Write at least three sentences for each source, explaining how the sources enact or imply the shared values of the group, particularly as they apply to a particular social/political issue.

VALUE: HONESTY (choose a community group in or near Albany GA

You also need to draft MLA citations for each source. Perdue’s OWL site is a great resource for working on your citations. Use the sidebar on the left of the site to see many examples and instructions for your particular types of research. You can, of course, also use any up-to-date MLA style guides you might have access to through the library, Academic Center for Tutoring, etc.

Post your Using Sources exercise by 5pm on Friday, September 20.

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