Purpose: The purpose of the Pretest evaluation plan is to develop a plan of success on the post-test. This plan should be a complete analysis of your personal performance on the pretest. Attached is the Pretext Exam summary used as a predictor for passing the FNP certificate
Directions: Create an APA formatted paper For the Prettest Evaluation plan, please detail the following in an essay format and include all of the following:
- Explain the experience of taking the assessment test; how long did it take, did you have enough time, what were the questions like.
- What did you learn from the experience of taking the assessment?
- Evaluation of lowest areas: which were the lowest areas on your assessment. Identify the areas below the 70% score. These are the areas that are priority study areas for you.
- Next, look at the domains of the test, which is your lowest, why do you think you scored as you did? What do you need to do to raise your scores?
- Evaluation of the highest areas: which were the highest areas on your assessment. Identify the areas above the 70% score. These are the areas that you are strongest in. Next, look at the domains of the test, which is your highest, why do you think you scored as you did?
- Develop a plan of study, using course materials.for example Maria Leik FNP certification
Use this rubric as a guide
NU 627 Unit 6 APEA Evaluation and Study Plan Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent & Concepts |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Conventions |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 25.0 |
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