- Watch the Unit 9 Lecture. (Read the transcript.)
Chapter 13, in your text, details the characteristics of, and procedures for, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). You discovered that SWPBS is an “alternative to traditional reactive behavior strategies” that were based upon a “hierarchy of rules and consequences” (Shepherd & Linn, 2014, p. 266). While rules and consequences are included in SWPBS, this approach takes a “proactive, positive” approach designed to promote acceptable” behavior in all students (Shepherd & Linn, 2014, p. 266).
You also learned that there are many evidence-based social skill programs that can be incorporated into the SWPBS program. Culturally-responsive social skills programs can reduce interfering behaviors that result from cultural and linguistic differences.
Using your knowledge of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) and evidence-based social skills programs, discuss the following:
- Explain how students who are at risk for behavior problems can be identified for placement in the three tiers of SWPBS. Include the following in your discussion:
- Office referrals
- Teacher nomination
- Continuous progress monitoring
- List the three assessment tools that can be used to identify students who may not exhibit externalizing behaviors but who are also at risk for behavior problems. Detail the characteristics of each assessment.
- Discuss “Wraparound Services” in terms of the following:
- Alignment with the Ecological Systems Model
- Those who are included in the “team”
- The focus of the services
- The advantages of using the school as an “entry point” for services
Guided Response Posts:
In your first response to a peer, list the five steps to implementing Tier 1 of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). Design three rules that you would implement in your classroom and the reinforcer(s) for compliance with the rules and the consequence(s) for non-compliance.
In your second response to a peer, select a social skills program (Chapter 14 of your text) that you would implement in the Behavior Education Program in Tier 2 of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program and explain the major components of the program. Select from the following: Skillstreaming; ACCEPTS; ACCESS; Stop and Think; Replacement Behavior Training; Social Stories; or Videotherapy.
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