You will analyze four transcribed interviews by inductively coding the data and developing themes. This will be a miniature version of what coding a large study would be like.
General Requirements:
- Use “Assignments Document” and Mock Interviews to complete this assignment.
- Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments.
- Code the data.
- Present the results in a table similar to Table 1 in Assignment Tables document.
- Create a codebook in a table similar to Table 2 in Assignment Tables document.
- Words or Phrases That Appear Frequently
- Create a table for each theme similar to Table 3 in Assignment Tables document.
- Inductively Developed Themes
- Write a report of the results. Include an introduction, discussion of your sample and instruments, data analysis, results, recommendations, and references.
- See complete directions in “Assignments Document.”
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