Episode Notes for Westworld Season 1 (100 points)

The purpose of this assignment is to systematize your viewing experience as you conduct primary research on your television show. If you have complete and careful notes from episodes of your television show, you should be able to create a more authoritative critique of the show.

1.Watch the first three episodes (E1, E2, E3)of television show WESTWORLD. Note the name of each episode as well as its date and original airing time. Then, take notes as you watch the show.

2.Each entry should include the following:

a.Specific information about the content of the episode such as the theme, plot lines, characters, advertisements, etc.

b.Observations about production techniques such as lighting, camera angles/movement, costumes, etc. Review the chapter on production in your textbook.

c.Your ideas about the episode, e.g. what values, myths, metaphors, socio-economic/political issues did the episode address? What other concepts from the textbook apply to this episode? What features of the episode strike you as important or curious or worth investigation? What might be a good critical approach to the episode?

3.You will be graded on the completeness of your assignment (i.e. how closely it meets the criteria of the assignment), the quality of your information, and the thoroughness of your observations of each episode.

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