Instructions Step 1: Establish Background Work through the three interactive lessons on the origins, development, and reform of the federal bureaucracy, and complete the forum on bureaucracy and everyday life. Step 2: Watch Videos View the following six videos about the federal bureaucracy and answer the assigned number of questions for each video . Video 1 Watch this video, Answer one of the following questions: Why did the Founding Fathers vest the legislative (law-making) power in Congress through Article I of the Constitution? What were they worried about? Why are laws as written by Congress not sufficiently useful? What role can federal agencies play? Video 2 Watch this video, Answer one of the following questions: Which Obama legislative initiatives are criticized as burdensome on business? What are the historic roots of today’s regulatory regime? How has Congress delegated increasing authority to bureaucratic agencies? How do these bureaucratic agencies benefit members of Congress? What is one proposed solution to give Congress more control over administrative regulations? Videos 3, 4, 5, and 6 Watch each video below: Act (opens in a new window) Answer two of the following questions based on the video and your additional research: Is there an issue of bureaucratic discretion being exceeded by the agency/commission? Has Congress taken measures to ensure that the agency follows legislative intent in its regulations? Has any federal court reviewed the regulations? If so, what was its conclusion? Step 3: Write an Essay Write your responses to the questions you selected in Step 2 (Watch Videos) in an essay of at least three paragraphs. Please submit your completed project using the “Add Submission” link below. Submit your work as an MS Word or a PDF file. This project will be graded according to the marking guide provided.

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