1 – Discussion Early Childhood Physical Development The sensory system of the young child develops early in life. Watch the video clips Inside the Living Body and review Chapters 3, 4, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 in the course textbook. · Discuss the way in which the various sensory systems develop and how sensory development impacts a child’s perception of the world. · Explain in your post how you might suggest a parent adjusts the home environment and social situations to allow for the infant and young child’s system to develop. 2 Discussion Sexual Identity Development Chapter 12 of the course textbook discusses the issues of identity development during adolescence. Based in part on the textbook readings and the 60 Minutes videos listed as Required References for this week, consider what you learned about the topic and your reaction to what you read. In your initial post: · Identify what you consider to be a sexual identity-related problem or issue that is of importance to you and to society and culture. · Identify and evaluate the key positions and theoretical arguments relating to your issue. · Include in your discussion comments on what you have learned about the reasons for differences in sexual orientation (e.g., from biological, cultural, or physiological causes). · Ground all positions and conclusions in theory and evidence. 3 – Discussion Cognitive Maltreatment and Neural Development Chapter 5 of the course textbook discusses the brain development of the child in early life as well as the impact of accidents and maltreatment. The required article by Perry (2009) illustrates and defends an approach to child maltreatment based on neurodevelopmental analysis that seeks to understand and treat abuse victims with reference to the areas of the brain affected. Based on these readings, account for or respond to each of the following in your initial post: · Analyze the findings of the Perry study, addressing the strengths and shortcomings of the neurodevelopmental approach. Are there limits to this sort of approach, and if so, what alternative approach might add something to a neurobiological analysis? · Offer a real life experience, alternative study, or recent news report that in some way illustrates or casts light upon Perry’s findings. 4 – Discussion Emerging Adulthood Chapter 11 of the course textbook covers cultural, cognitive, personality, and identity issues of the developmental stage of emerging adulthood, as does this week’s required article by Smith-Osborne (2007), which presents a historical perspective on two developmental theories, with a focus on resiliency theory. In your initial post to this discussion, address each of the following items: · Identify and cite two peer-reviewed articles that analyze similar issues or cases relating to emerging adulthood from the perspectives of lifespan theory and resiliency theory, respectively. · Briefly summarize the theses, methods, and results of each study, identifying the similarities and difference between the two approaches. · Assess the relative strength and shortcomings of the resiliency theory approach vis a vis a lifespan theory approach with reference to specific cases or examples. · Reflect on what the two studies reveal about the cognitive and personality issues of emerging adulthood discussed in your articles. 5 – Discussion Vocational Development and Work/Life Balance Chapters 13 and 14 in the course textbook examine the impact of social roles and professional life on adult development. In our complex world that requires us to manage multiple roles, learning how to effectively balance social roles has become increasingly challenging. For you initial post: · Identify and summarize what you see as two or three critically important theoretical insights drawn from the textbook readings that explain and inform work/life balance in adult emotional and social development. · Describe and explain one best practice in your life with respect to work/life balance. · E…

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