For additional details, please refer to the Historical Analysis Essay Progress Check 2 Guidelines and Rubric document.

Overview: Throughout Theme: Analyzing History, you have been guided through beginning your Project 2: Historical Analysis Essay assignment, which you will continue to work on in Theme: Thinking About History and formally submit for completion at the end of Week 8 of the course. This progress check assignment provides you with an important opportunity to get valuable instructor feedback on the progress you are making and to ensure you are on the right track for your later submission. Prompt: Theme: Analyzing History has introduced you to how historians approach assessing historical evidence to refine their thesis statement and message. By now you should have enough evidence compiled from your research to begin writing your historical analysis essay. You will begin working on the essay piece by piece. In Theme: Analyzing History, learning block 6-4 (page 1), you will work on drafting the body of your essay. Return to your submission for Progress Check 1 and draft three body paragraphs that explore the causes, course, and consequences of your chosen historical event and use evidence from primary and secondary sources to support your thesis.

I have included the previous assignment which you will need to align with this assignment. Please adhere to the rubric.

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