Write a paper of 5 to 8 pages developing a coherent response to an educational issue of concern to you. The paper should present your thoughts in light of course readings relevant to your issue. Use quotations with citations from the course readings to support your discussion. Be sure to QUOTE ALL THE AUTHORS you have read. THE BULK OF THE PAPER HOWEVER SHOULD BE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS ON THE ISSUE You may NOT USE SECONDARY SOURCES, including the editor’s introductions to the course readings. ONLY QUOTE THE READINGS ATTACHED BELOW. THIS ESSAY IS ABOUT ANY ISSUE IN EDUCATION YOU WOULD LIKE TO TALK ABOUT AND THROUGHOUT YOU SHOULD INTERGRATE HOW ALL THE PHILOSOPHERS WOULD LOOK AT THE ISSUE AS WELL. Final papers will be evaluated on a scale to 1 to 5 according to following criteria and rubric: Adequacy with which textual support is identified and  presented: 1-2: Few or inappropriate citations from the text. 3- 4: Some appropriate citations. 5: Sufficient citations appropriately selected. Clarity and organization of the presentation 1-2: Lack of clear connection and development between ideas. 3-4: Ideas are somewhat connected and developed to some extent. 5. Clear and explicit connections between developed ideas.Care with which the argument is constructed 1- 2: Few or irrelevant reasons are offered for claims. 3-4: Claims are supported by some relevant reasoning 5: Claims are supported by clear and relevant reasoning Technical considerations (spelling, grammar, paragraphing, organization and citations) 1-2: Spelling and grammatical errors. Poor paragraphing and organization. Missing citations. 3-4: Typos or some grammatical errors;unclear paragraphing and organization or missing citations. 5: Error free with clear paragraphing and organization

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