For Milestone Three, you will prepare and submit a three-slide presentation explaining information assurance needs includingrisks associated with non-adherence to information assurance processes, and countermeasures to mitigate risks. You will also prepare two one-page tutorials. The first tutorial is for setting the company website as the homepage and the second for enabling and disabling cookies. Requirements of Submission: The slide presentation should consist of three slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. The tutorials should be one page in length. Instructor Feedback : Students can find their feedback in the Grade Center. Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Information Assurance – Access Meets “Proficient“ criteria and provides specific examples to substantiate description (18-20) Provides a slide with a description of information assurance (16-17) Provides a slide describing information assurance; however, it is not accurate or lacks important detail (14-15) Does not provide a slide describing information assurance (0-13) 20 Information Assurance – Risks Meets “Proficient“ criteria and provides specific examples to illustrate risks (18-20) Provides a slide explaining the risks associated with non-adherence to information security processes (16-17) Provides a slide explaining the risks associated with non-adherence to information security processes; however, description lacks clarity or is not accurate (14-15) Does not provide a slide describing the risks associated with non-adherence to information security processes (0-13) 20 Information Assurance – Countermeasures Meets “Proficient“ criteria and uses specific examples to support countermeasure use (18-20) Provides a slide describing countermeasures to mitigate information security risks (16-17) Provides a slide describing countermeasures to mitigate information security risks; however, description is limited or is not accurate (14-15) Does not provide a slide describing the risks associated with non-adherence to information security processes (0-13) 20 Instructions: Set Homepage Meets “Proficient“ criteria, and the tutorial indicates the optimal settings for use and function (18-20) Provides a tutorial for setting the company website as the homepage for newly updated computers (16-17) Provides a tutorial, but it is missing significant information (14-15) Does not provide a tutorial for setting company website as the homepage for newly updated computers (0-13) 20 Instructions: Cookies Meets “Proficient“ criteria, and the tutorial indicates key considerations for enabling and disabling cookies (18-20) Provides a tutorial for enabling and disabling cookies (16-17) Provides a tutorial for enabling and disabling cookies, but instructions lack detail or are inaccurate (14-15) Does not provide a tutorial for enabling and disabling cookies (0-13) 20 Earned Total Comments: 100%

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