Using your text and at least one scholarly source, prepare a two to three page paper, in APA format, and evaluate the three methods of analysis: Horizontal, vertical, and ratio as explained in your course textbook.

  • Summarize each method, and discuss how the financial information is used to make a particular decision.
  • Provide a scenario in a health care situation in which a given method of analysis might be used.

Accounting for Healthcare Professionals

Lita Epstein, Arnold Schneider

Georgia Institute of Technology

Editor in Chief, AVP: Steve Wainwright

Sponsoring Editor: Greer Lleuad

Development Editor: Denis Ralling

Assistant Editor: Jaime Anderson

Editorial Assistant: Teresa Bdzil

Production Editors: Charlotte Dudley, Lindsay Serra

Senior Product Manager: Peter Galuardi

Cover Design: Sherry Russell

Printing Services: Bordeaux

Composition/Illustration: Lachina Publishing Services

Cover Image: Lite Productions/Thinkstock

ISBN-10: 1621781186

ISBN-13: 978-1-62178-118-9

Copyright © 2014 Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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