Healthcare is something that everyone needs whether they are old, young, healthy or sick. There is currently a healthcare crisis in the United States of America. Healthcare is typically stated to cost too much and cannot be sustained on a level where every citizen can receive it. Karger & Stoesz (2018) states the following:

“According to Census Bureau data, the number of people with health insurance rose to almost 87 percent in 2014; however, more than 13 percent or 33 million people were without health. Of that number, 8.6 percent of all children were uninsured. The percentage of the nation’s population covered by government health insurance programs (e.g., Military, Medicaid, and Medicare) was at 40 percent in 2014 (p.248).”

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Healthcare is very expensive and the government is not willing to take up the cost of everyone and neither do employers. Every year there are rising costs in the healthcare sector, people drop coverage and those who keep it have to deal with the shift in cost. According to Karger & Stoesz (2018, p. 257), it is projected that by 2020, health care spending will rise to $4.6 trillion and account for almost 20 percent of the GDP. In comparison, health care spending in 1960 was only 5.2 percent of the GDP.52 From 1970 to 2007, per capita health care costs rose from $341 to $7,439. Most attribute healthcare costs to dealing with the consequence of poor health but analyst has stated the following reasons: malpractice insurance, medical technology, pharmaceutical drugs, administrative costs and medical fraud (Karger & Stoesz, 2018, p. 259). The healthcare crisis is one crisis that needs a lot of work because many Americans are dying each day and it could have been prevented.

There are two major healthcare systems, public and private. The Department for Professional Employees (2016):

Rather than operating a national health service, a single-payer national health insurance system, or a multi-payer universal health insurance fund, the U.S. health care system can best be described as a hybrid system. In 2014, 48 percent of U.S. health care spending came from private funds, with 28 percent coming from households and 20 percent coming from private businesses. The federal government accounted for 28 percent of spending while state and local governments accounted for 17 percent. Most health care, even if publicly financed, is delivered privately.

Public healthcare is provided by the government and private are provided by companies for profit. Studies evaluated in this systematic review do not support the claim that the private sector is usually more efficient, accountable, or medically effective than the public sector; however, the public sector appears frequently to lack timeliness and hospitality towards patients (Basu et al., 2012).

Management within human resources in human services will be directly affected with healthcare. As stated before in the discussion healthcare is expensive. And this brings up challenges for human resources when comes to providing employees with healthcare and their continuing rising costs. In return there are low wages and higher products. According to the Public Broadcasting Service (n.d.), Government programs pay 47 percent of the health care tab in the U.S.; spending on health care makes up 20 percent of the federal budget, and most state budgets too. So the leaders will always be focused on rising costs.


Basu, S., Andrews, J., Kishore, S., Panjabi, R., & Stuckler, D. (2012). Comparative performance of private and public healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. PLoS medicine, 9(6), e1001244. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001244

Department for Professional Employees (2016). The U.S. health care system: An international perspective. Retrieved from…

Healthcare Crisis: Who’s at Risk (n.d.). Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved from… (Links to an external site.)

Karger, H. J. & Stoesz , D. (2018). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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