Quantitative Assessment Mini-Case Assignment
The mini-case is attached to this message/e-mail. Your memo should be submitted via Sakai Assignments (I don’t need a hard copy in class).
The assignment is a 4-6 page, single-spaced memo that discusses the problem and your overall analysis. It should include clear and documented answers to the case questions, and any necessary tables to support your answer, either embedded in the memo (if they fit with the flow) or as attachments if they are bigger and would interrupt the flow of the memo. Make sure your memo is written for a boss, it should not just be the numeric answers.
No information other than what is contained in the assignment should be used.
This mini-case is not part of your graded assignments, but failure to turn it in will be counted against the participation portion of your grade. I understand that an ungraded assignment may not receive your very best effort, but not only are these used for our internal appraisal of program strengths and weaknesses, they also are stored and reviewed by OUTSIDE reviewers when the program comes up for reaccreditation, so please give it a reasonable amount of your attention/effort
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