The 10 slides do not include title and references. Please be specific to the rubric!

The instructor is big on following the rubric. Also don’t forget to address the 4 questions.

Powerpoint presentation APA format. Please include references

The area of diversity I chose is Gender Diversity


As the Director of Human Resources, the CEO and other executive leaders have requested you to design a training presentation on “Best Practices” for managers on diversity in the workplace. In your training guidelines you will want to address the following areas:

  1. Introduce diversity importance to managers.
  2. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if management of diversity is not used.
  3. Provide at least three best practices managers can take away from the training.
  4. Conclude your training.

Managing Diversity

Levels of Achievement

Total Assessment Points: 70






(10 Pts)

Presentation offers little explanation as to the importance of diversity best practices.

Presentation offers vague explanation as to the importance of diversity best practices, but gives no examples.

Presentation is clear on explanation as to the importance of diversity best practices, but gives poor examples.

Presentation offers clear explanation as to the importance of diversity best practices, and gives relevant examples.

Points: 1

Points: 4

Points: 8

Points: 10

Address Problems

(25 Pts)

Presentation offers no clear ideas for addressing problems if management does not implement diversity best practices.

Presentation offers vague ideas for addressing problems if management does not implement diversity best practices, but no resources.

Presentation offers clear ideas for addressing problems if management does not implement diversity best practices but no appropriate resources.

Presentation offers clear ideas for ideas for addressing problems if management does not implement diversity best practices, and appropriate resources.

Points: 5

Points: 12

Points: 20

Points: 25

Best Practices

(15 Pts)

Presentation did not provide best practices for management. Provided no details and examples.

Presentation somewhat discussed best practices for management. Provided little detail and examples.

Presentation discussed best practices for management, but wasn’t thorough. Provided some detail and examples, but not substantial enough to reinforce thoughts.

Presentation thoroughly discussed best practices for management. Provided details and examples.

Points: 0

Points: 6

Points: 10

Points: 15

Conclude Presentation

(20 Pts)

Presentation did not recap or conclude presentation for training purposes.

Presentation somewhat recapped training program for the workplace. Provided little detail and examples.

Presentation recapped training program for the workplace. Provided some detail and examples, but not substantial enough to reinforce thoughts.

Presentation thoroughly discussed training program for the workplace. Provided details and examples.

Points: 0

Points: 10

Points: 15

Points: 20

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