1. Based upon your weight (lbs from exercise 1.3 attached), calculate the internal stress for the previous rope climber example shown for a half-inch diameter rope with a material strength of 25,000 psi. Will the rope break? Calculate the Factor of Safety (F.S.) for this case. If I weigh 235 lbs, can I safely join you on the rope?
  2. For the Orlando Airport shuttle emergency stop example discussed, how many half inch diameter, A36 steel, shear bolts would be needed if the shuttle imparts a force of 100,000 lbs on the plunger (instead of the initial example with 75,450 lbs)? Assume all other assumptions hold. Hint: the number of bolts will be greater than 16 since the load increased.
  3. Compare and contrast the concepts of external load, internal stress, and material strength and classify their “importance” on structural failure.
  4. Select a simple structure or a component of a complex system (e.g. landing gear off an aircraft) that you have personal access to near your home. Using the concepts of material strength and applied stress, illustrate under what conditions the structure will likely fail. Take a picture of the structure and include it in your submission.
  5. Pick a material (e.g. steel, concrete, chewing gum, glass rod, wooden 2×4) and sketch a rough stress-strain diagram for the material. Label important features (e.g. UTS, elastic limit) and discuss how engineers would use the information when designing a structure.
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