Create prescriptions using the patient information, medications, and indications listed below. Your goal is to demonstrate the accurate way to write a prescription that a patient would present to a pharmacy. The prescription should be written and signed. You will develop your mock prescriptions in a word document to include everything one might find on a printed prescription pad. You will write one prescription per page.

To write your prescriptions, please use the following patient information:

  • Patient Name: Jane Doe
  • DOB 1/1/2001
  • Duration: 3 months

Write a prescription for each of the following medications:

  • Sertraline, 100mg each day (depression)
  • Lorazepam, 1mg twice each day, if needed (panic attacks)
  • Aripiprazole, 2mg before bedtime (depression)
  • Methylphenidate ER, 54mg every morning before school (ADHD)

Be sure to include all of the relevant Rx info – quantity dispensed, refills, etc. etc.  The examples you submit should look like a real-life written Rx that a patient would hand to a retail pharmacy.

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