Optimism versus Pessimism
Some feel that families today are in deep trouble because they are different from their own family of origin. Pessimists point to the high divorce rate, increasing number of children born out of wedlock, and mothers entering the workforce as signs of family decline. Optimists feel the wide variety of acceptable relationships available allow people to create a family that is best for themselves. People who know the scientific facts as well as their personal feelings about marriage and family are in a better position to understand themselves and build successful and satisfying intimate relationships.
Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about families today? Do you tend to think about the negative impacts of families changing or the positive?
Look at the following website that gives suggestions for strengthening the family.
http://www.fatherhood.org/ (Links to an external site.)
Share with the class one way that you uncovered to strengthen families by exploring the website. Connect the information you found to the characteristics of strong and resilient families discussed within the textbook.
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