I need to write a C# program in Visual Studio that lets a user input a set of positive numbers. The program should display a result that shows the number of valid numbers entered, the largest number and the smallest number.
Your program should be implemented using two classes.
- The class named Numbers: Implement class as depicted in the class diagram. The method readNumbers should read the numbers repeatedly from the user, until they decide to stop. You have to use a while loop for this part. After the user is done entering numbers, the result should be displayed.
- Write a test class for that uses class Numbers. Use this class to demonstrate that your program works. This is a sample output for the program: Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): 54 Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): 2 Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): 8 Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): 3 Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): 9 Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): 1 Enter a positive number (or negative number to quit): -1 RESULT Numbers entered: 6 Largest number: 54 Smallest number: 1
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