Part I

Prepare: Prior to beginning this discussion question, read Chapter 5 of Making Strategy Count in the Health and Human Services Sector and select a minimum of one scholarly article from the Ashford library that examines the role of workplace culture within a health and/or human services setting of your choice (e.g., community clinic, social services agency, care facility, etc.) . The Olavarria, Beaulac, Bélanger, Young, & Arbry (2009) article is a recommended source that provides more insight into the issue of organizational cultural competence within health and human service organizations (it may be used, but does not replace your required scholarly resource).

Reflect: As you read in Chapter 5 of the textbook, the term “culture” is not limited to our understanding of cultural competency as it relates to client interaction; it is also applicable to our understanding of aspects related to the work environment. In this discussion, we will reflect upon the concept of “workplace culture,” as described in the text, and analyze its pertinence in the development of effective strategy. We will then take this concept a step further and apply it to the notion of organizational cultural competence (see Week 5 Guidance for more details).

Write: Summarize your selected scholarly article (e.g., its aims/purpose along with relevant content or topic areas). Next, analyze culturally competent elements, as they relate to workplace culture, that are necessary for effective service delivery in the setting discussed in the article (you may select elements that are discussed in the article or general elements applicable to health and human service organizations that are supported by a scholarly source). Finally, explain how some of the types of disconnects between strategy and culture (as identified on page 76 in your textbook) might impact an organization’s ability to be culturally competent, either in the workplace or in direct client interaction.

Guided Response: For this prompt, consider the following when replying: What conclusions can you draw with respect to the significance of cultural competency as it relates to the posts provided by your classmates? How do other allied fields (e.g. social work, counseling, health, etc.) address cultural competency in ways that might be helpful to consider? The initial reply must be a minimum of 300 words and is due no later than Day 3

Part II

Prepare: Prior to beginning this discussion, read Chapter 11 of Making Strategy Count in the Health and Human Services Sector and select a minimum of one scholarly article from the Ashford library addressing social and/or public policy issues related to a social challenge of interest addressed by human service organizations.

Reflect: Ultimately, human service organizations and policy are distinctly intertwined in a variety of ways. In this final discussion forum, you will examine the significance of social policy related to a particular challenge (e.g., poverty, child welfare, substance abuse, mental health, etc.) and determine components associated with successful health and human service delivery relationships.

Write: Summarize your scholarly article’s main points regarding the role that policy plays in your particular social challenge. After this, analyze how specific policies, Acts, legislation, etc. impact the effective delivery of services on multiple levels (ie., the individual, family, group, organization, and community). Lastly, discuss how human service organizations can champion effective social policies going forward, taking into consideration your understanding of what makes service delivery successful.

Guided Response: Going beyond simply indicating agreement or disagreement with your classmates’ posts, extend the discussion to include additional reflections, perspectives, and inquiries that foster critical thinking. For this prompt, consider the following when replying: How would you compare or contrast your selected components of successful relationships to those selected by your classmates? Beyond those indicated, what other applicable policies might need to be revised? Why? The initial reply must be a minimum of 300 words

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