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Please submit Question 1 before moving to Question 2 – Thank you homie



This discussion is intended for students to understand where a variety of small, large, new and established firms and organizations fit within the global project management maturity model. Think of how you would recommend changes for your current or future firm or organization.


Select a global organization or firm, and determine at which level it is currently on the global project management maturity model. Identify the benefits of implementing the Global Project Management Framework in their particular context. What recommendations would you provide them to move up one level in the maturity model in the next year? What about two levels in the next 3-5 years?

Initial/Original Post

Your responses to this discussion prompt must be 200-250 words. Your response must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical.



In this discussion, you will be exposed to trends that classmates are tracking or testing out. You will also share and analyze future focused developments in global IT project management.


Consider the various trends predicted in your course reading and videos. What is the one trend with which you strongly agree, and why? Also, what do you think will be the next big development in global IT project management in the next three to five years?

Initial/Original Post

Your responses to this discussion prompt must be 200-250 words. Your response must have a clear, well-formulated thesis; sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical.

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