Wk 4 Discussion – Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) & Data Mining [due Thurs]

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and data mining are fundamentally the same type of process, but have functional differences in how they are used in an organization.

Explain OLAP and data mining processes.

Include the following in your discussion:

  • The functions of OLAP and data mining
  • How OLAP and data mining complement one another
  • How OLAP and data mining exist independently
  • An example of when each system would be used
  • Tools available to support each phase of these processes

Due Monday

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

Wk 4 Team – Fine Diamond Query Development and Testing [due Mon]


  1. Refer to the Wk 1 – Task: MySQL™ Version 5.6: Download Instructions.

    The IT Director approved your initial Fine Diamond Database Project designs. Now, you need to develop and test initial queries for the IT technical team.

    As a team,
    complete the following tasks:

    • Build the tables for at least two stores of the Fine Diamonds Company and populate them with at least ten records for each table.
    • Develop and execute queries to provide the required analytics and reporting to include the following:
    • A 1-page inventory list displaying all the attributes for each diamond in inventory (both in- and out-of-stock)
    • The total customer sales price and store costs for all in-stock inventory items
    • A 1-page list of all in-stock diamonds with a carat weight of over 1.0 carats
    • A 1-page list of customers who have placed an order within the last 12 months, along with their names and order numbers
    • A 1-page list of all orders placed within the past 12 months, along with the customer’s name and actual items included in the order
    • Compress the output of the queries, including all of the scripts, to create the database tables, establish keys and constraints, populate data within the database, and queries into a single ZIP folder.
    • Prepare a summary for the IT technical team that describes the following:
    • An explanation of the process used to determine the data types within each table
    • An explanation of the most difficult process in designing and building the data
    • How organizations can overcome the difficulties associated with the process

    Use MySQL Version 5.6 for database and query development.

    Choose one of the following ways to create your summary:

    • A 14- to 16-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including the query in the speaker notes of each slide with a screenshot of a query output
    • A 2-page Microsoft® Word document

    Submit your summary and ZIP file of your query outputs.

Wk 4 – Business Reporting and Analytics [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resources:

    • Completed Week One Individual Assignment “DreamHome Case Study”
    • Completed Week Two Individual Assignment “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition”
    • Completed Week Three Individual Assignment, “Database Operations and Data Recovery”
    • Appendix A, “User Requirements Specification for DreamHome Case Study” of Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management(6th edition).

    Update the following
    DreamHome assignments:

    • Diagrams from the completed Week One Individual Assignment “DreamHome Case Study”
    • Diagrams from the completed Week Two Individual Assignment “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition”
    • Completed Week Three Individual Assignment, “Database Operations and Data Recovery”

    Diagram a distributed database environment in Microsoft® Visio® using the ”
    DreamHome Case Study” in Appendix A of
    Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management (6th edition) and your completed
    DreamHome-related assignments from Weeks One, Two, and Three.

    Include the following in your diagram:

    • A production database
    • A data warehouse
    • Two data marts
    • Security and maintenance elements annotated in your first diagram

    Create a 3-page summary in Microsoft® Word that:

    • Identifies and discusses the database tables used to create your distributed database environment
    • Identifies and discusses three SQL queries to develop reports from the data query list in the case study
    • Explains the typical operation of a data warehouse and data marts, along with operational considerations and constraints
    • Discusses how DreamHome could benefit from data mining and how OLAP and data mining applications could be applied to the DreamHome data model.
    • Includes the SQL statements for each of the required queries and screenshots showing the query results
    • A thorough explanation of the process you used to determine the data types used in each table
    • An explanation of the most difficult process in designing and building the data and how organizations can overcome these difficulties

    Submit the Microsoft® Visio® file of your annotated diagram and the Microsoft® Word file of your summary.

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