Wk 3 Discussion – Operation and Recovery Strategies [due Thurs]

Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Describe three operation and recovery strategies.

Include the following in your description:

  • DDBMS maintenance and security considerations
  • Tools used to support maintenance and security

Due Monday

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

Wk 3 Team – Fine Diamond Detail Database Design [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource:

    • Completed Week One Learning Team Assignment titled, “Fine Diamond Database Design Options.”
    • Completed Week Two Learning Team Assignment titled, “Fine Diamond Database Design Options.”

    The IT Director asked for a detailed design of your Fine Diamond Company Database Project. The director specifically asked to see the following:

    • Your final database design for Fine Diamonds Company
    • Diagram of the new system hardware, software, and operating environment the organization will need to implement and operate
    • Any concerns regarding risks, issues, or limitations identified or encountered thus far

    As a team,
    select one of the design options from your Week Two Learning Team assignment titled, “Fine Diamond Database Design Options” that most effectively meets Fine Diamond Company’s needs as your final design.

    Consider instructor feedback from your Week Two Learning Team assignment titled, “Fine Diamond Database Design Options.”

    Create documentation for the IT Director that contains the following information:

    • Diagram of the physical database system design
    • Diagram of the key hardware, software, and other architecture elements needed to support the new database system
    • Rationale for your design and any issues, limitations, or risks associated with technical aspects of the project

    Use Microsoft® Visio® to create the diagrams.

    Include your rational and descriptions of issues, limitations, and risks as annotations.

    Submit your assignment.

Wk 3 – Database Operations and Data Recovery [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Compare the memory and processing requirements for a DDMS to an object-oriented database system.

    Include the following in your comparison:

    • Types of memory
    • Memory requirements
    • Types of processing
    • Required transfer rates
    • Record types
    • Storage architectures
    • Considerations related to the overall system performance and scalability

    Document your comparison as one of the following:

    • A table in a Microsoft® Word document
    • A Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet formatted as a comparison chart
    • A Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation

    Submit the assignment.

Wk 3 – Database Operations and Data Recovery [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resources:

    • Completed Week One Individual Assignment titled, “DreamHome Case Study”
    • Completed Week Two Individual Assignment titled, “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition”
    • Appendix A, “User Requirements Specification for DreamHome Case Study” of Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management(6th edition).

    Consider instructor feedback from your Week 2 Individual assignment, “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition” as you complete this assignment.

    Define the maintenance and security components necessary for the data models created in the following Individual assignments:

    • Week One “DreamHome Case Study”
    • Week Two “Object Oriented Data Model and SQL Query Definition”

    Include the following in your definition:

    • How data replication will be used in the system
    • An effective and efficient recovery strategy

    Document your components as follows:

    • A 2- to 3-page Microsoft® Word document for your definition of maintenance and security components
    • Revised diagrams in Microsoft® Visio® from previous assignments with annotations identifying the maintenance and security components

    Note: The results of this assignment will be used in future
    DreamHome-related Individual Assignments in Weeks Four and Five.

    Submit the assignment.

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