Assignment: Case Study Project

As you read last week, you will be applying concepts and theories from each broad area of psychological study covered in this course to one of two individuals, either a child or an adult, ultimately creating a complete case study of your chosen person. This week you will submit the first part of your Case Study project for grading.

By Day 7

For your Case Study project this week, review the bulleted notes presented in the interactive media about your chosen individual. Then, write a 1- to 2-paragraph description that summarizes what you know about that individual. There is enough information in the bulleted notes found in the Interactive Case Study for you to effectively describe this individual by applying the course concepts to his or her background and current functioning. If you feel additional information will enhance your ability to fully explain how each topic area relates to your chosen individual, feel free to be creative and describe additional details.

Keep in mind that in the coming weeks, you will be using this individual to illustrate your understanding of the course concepts.

Finally, review the readings and media about using the Walden Library. These resources are located in this week’s Learning Resources. Then, search the Walden Library for one article relevant to your case study. To help you search the Walden Library, refer to the list of possible search terms listed in the media in this week’s Required Resources. Briefly summarize the article you found in 1 to 2 paragraphs. Include 1 to 3 sentences on why you think this article will help you to apply the course topics to your chosen individual. You will use this journal article again in the final paper that you will submit in Week 5.

Refer to the Interactive Case Study media, Final Project Example document, and Final Project Template to guide your work. You will find these in this Week’s Learning Resources. Please remember that the Final Project Example document is just an example. You may not copy any text from this document for use in your own project. All writing in your project must be your own original work.

Your Assignment will be graded on the components below. For more specific details refer to the Assignment Rubric located in the Course Information area.

  • Paragraph summarizing Individual (10 points)
  • Appropriate choice of journal article/explanation of why it is appropriate (10 points)
  • Summary of the article (20 points)
  • Quality of writing (10 points)
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