You can see all the requirements and the book in the attachments.

Explain, illustrate, and critically evaluate Graham’s response to the question (posed at the beginning of chapter 3) ‘What makes mental disorder undesirable’? Your 5-7 (double-spaced) page essay should aim to be factually correct (faithful to Graham’s text), well-written, reflective, and critical. It will be graded accordingly. It is recommended that you read and re-read the relevant section of the text carefully before you begin writing. It should be clear from your paper that you have understood the nuances of Graham’s response – not merely the gist of it. Please keep in mind that an essay that is “critical” in the relevant sense needn’t be critical of Graham’s position. To be “critical” in the relevant sense is to articulate and justify your own position on what makes mental disorder undesirable in light of Graham’s analysis of that issue.

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