Warm-up Activity 8.1
Access the online text Davis, Stephen F. & Halonen, Jane S. (2001). This text, The Many Faces of Research in the Twentieth Century, covers research reviews in more than ten topic areas in psychology, written by the top researchers in the field. You are invited to read all chapters in the book, but be sure to read the chapter that most closely relates to the topic you’ve chosen to study for your own review. Note how the researcher organizes the review and ends with a conclusion of future directions for research. Consider this a prototype for your own literature review and Signature paper. That is, you can learn about the form and organization of a literature review from reading these chapters.
(Note: You will see that because this book was written in the beginning of the twenty-first century, some of the research referred to in the book chapters is now outdated. Further, please note that you will not include ANY references to research in the book chapters in your own literature review.)
Warm-up Activity 8.2
Although you’ve organized your presentation in the outline, when writing, you need to make smooth transitions between sections. For some writing skills to help you deal with this section of your paper visit the Coherence: Transitions between Ideas website for support on coherence and transitions in writing.
Drawing on the references you have collected and following the outline you constructed, prepare your final paper. Refer to the sample research reviews listed in Warm-up Activity 8.1 as models for your own finished product. You will review and report on approximately 40-50 articles of importance in your area of interest. You may find as you are writing that you still need to support some parts of your argument better with more research, or that some research does not really fit with your overall organization and plan.
Write a coherent, well-organized paper. Be sure that your paper has an introduction, a main body that is subdivided by topic and subtopic, and a summary. Your summary should draw a conclusion based on your review of the research. This can include what type of program would be best to either prevent or intervene in the problem you focused on, in the population that you chose, or where the research needs to expand to answer your questions. You may find that there is insufficient evidence to draw a conclusion, or that a new program needs to be devised to meet the needs of that particular population.
Length: 25-30 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course, and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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