For this discussion, we engage in a debate that is a hot topic in our schools: the no-zero grading policy. Consider this scenario: Steve submitted an assignment to you that was over a week late. He apologized for the late submission and told you that he had been dealing with some family issues that prevented him from getting his assignment submitted on time. Do you accept the assignment or still give him a zero for submitting it late? Debate Grouping (by first letter of last name) For this discussion, your assigned debate group is as follows: A-L:      Proponents of no-zero grading policy: Accept Steve’s work and grade it. M-Z:      Opponents of no-zero grading policy: Do not accept Steve’s work and give      him a zero. Prepare Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read      Chapter 11: Grading and Reporting to Students and Parents. Explore      the following web page: What Is a Growth Mindset? (Links to an external      site.) Find      an article that supports your assigned position from the Ashford      University Library or a reputable and credible website. This a tip sheet Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and      Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) provides guidance for locating an appropriate source. Reflect Consider if you have been given a zero before for a missing or late assignment or if you have given a zero to a student. Write Clearly state what your assigned position is for this debate. Due Thursday, Day 3 Based on your assigned position, formulate a defense statement supported by the course text as well as the article you located that includes the following: Discuss      the theory behind the no-zero grading policy and its purpose. Provide      at least three reasons for your position, based on your research. You also      want to provide solid examples to support each reason. Properly      cite and reference your sources within your response using APA formatting (Links to an external site.) . Due by Saturday, Day 5 Respond to at least one of your peers who has been assigned a different position from you and has not received a response, and offer a rebuttal. Be sure to provide evidence from the readings or articles to support your opposition. Properly cite and reference your sources within your response using APA formatting (Links to an external site.) . Due by Monday, Day 7 Respond to your original post and provide the following: Your      own opinion of the no-zero grading policy based on the evidence from the      research and the responses of your classmates. How would you personally      handle Steve’s situation? Did your thinking change after reading your      classmates’ viewpoints? Why or why not? Using      the What Is a Growth Mindset? (Links      to an external site.) web page as a point of reference, how      might a no-zero grading policy help to promote a growth mindset for      learners. Explain, and if applicable, share your own experiences as well. Respond to Peers (Due Monday, Day 7) : Post replies to at least two peers by the close date of this discussion. Refer to your peers’ responses to their original post, and consider their viewpoints on the no-zero grading policy, extra credit, and acceptance of late assignments. Provide additional insights to their opinions. Though two replies are the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. Remember, continuing to engage with peers and the instructor will further the conversation and provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic. Please see attachment document

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