Robinson (2011) noted that “When people say to me that they are not creative, I assume that they just haven’t yet learnt what is involved” (p. 1). Do you find it interesting to consider that creativity can be learned? Or conversely, that it can be unlearned? In this discussion, you will apply your knowledge of creativity and the strategies needed to encourage it by reflecting on a personal experience in which your creativity was either stifled or enhanced. Please review this week’s Instructor Guidance for specific assistance on excelling in this discussion. Initial Post: Read the National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education (NACCE) report, All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , focusing specifically on the Creative and Cultural Education (pp. 54-60) and Teaching and Learning (pp. 100-123) section. As you read through this work, note some of the specific strategies NACCCE recommends for facilitating creativity skills. Make a list of these strategies to use in the next portion of this requirement. Once you have a clear picture of the types of educational strategies Robinson believes supports creativity, view the When There Is a Correct Answer Exercise in Creative Thinking (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video. This is a short two-minute summary of Dr. Segev’s research on creative drawing with children. Based on the results of Dr. Segev’s research, describe a situation during your life in which your creativity was either inhibited, or encouraged. Write about this incident in a narrative, storytelling way. Within your story, apply at least two of the NACCCE strategies you listed when taking notes on the NACCCE report. Consider how these were either supported or not supported within the scenario you described. Once you complete your story, post it in the discussion forum. Feel free to be creative with this story. For example, you may want to try Storybird (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , which is a digital storytelling platform (free accounts are available to students and teachers). If you use a web-based technology to create your story, be sure to post a link to it in your post.

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