Reflect on your coursework in your program of study( Autism Spectrum Disorder ). Choose one experience ( attached Collaboration Model)from this program that aligns to Council for Exceptional Children Advanced Preparations Standard 2. Use and label each key element in the paper. Use the attachment “Week 2″ as an example to follow. Use the attached ” Alex and paulo case” as the assignment that you are referring to throughout this assignment. Please review the attached rubric.  While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and 4 references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, Advanced Preparation Standard 2: Curricular Content Knowledge 2.0Special education specialists use their knowledge of general and specialized curricula to improve programs, supports, and services at classroom, school, community, and system levels. Key Elements 2.1Special education specialists align educational standards to provide access to challenging curriculum to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. 2.2Special educators continuously broaden and deepen their professional knowledge and expand their expertise with instructional technologies, curriculum standards, effective teaching strategies, and assistive technologies to support access to and learning of challenging content. 2.3Special education specialists use understanding of diversity and individual learning differences to inform the selection, development, and implementation of comprehensive curricula for individuals with exceptionalities.

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