Watch the movie Contact (1997, Jodie Foster & Matthew McConaughey) and answer four of the following questions. Note, the first half of the film, while a bit “Hollywood” is not too inaccurate. The latter half does become much more sci-fi, both in scientific content and people’s behavior.

1) What book is the movie based on, who wrote it, and what was their profession?

2) Describe, in detail, two scenes or moments from the movie that showed radio telescopes as you think they are used in the real world.

3) Describe, in detail, two scenes or moments from the movie that showed scientists behaving in a way that you believe is accurate.

4) Describe, in detail, two scenes or moments that inaccurately describe how scientists behave or equipment would be used.

5) List two comments or images that were accurate scientific facts.

6) Explain what you would do if you found a signal like Ellie Arroway discovers. Who would you call, what would you do to check it etc. Your answers should be several sentences long.

7) Do you think that the treatment of Ellie Arroway accurately shows how women are treated in science, our society? Give at least three examples from the film supporting your answers.

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