NEED THIS BEFORE MIDNIGHT TODAY! Part 1: Phonics and Word Recognition: I Do, We Do, You Do Chart Consult with your mentor teacher to decide the direction you will take to provide small group instruction to 3-4 students on a literacy topic on phonics and/or word recognition. Choose a phonics and word recognition concept and strategy that aligns to what students in your mentor classroom are currently learning. Complete the “Phonics and Word Recognition: I Do, We Do, You Do” chart to guide appropriate instruction for the 3-4 students identified by your mentor teacher. Within the chart, identify the following to help design your lesson: Phonics/Word Recognition Concept I Do, We Do, You Do Differentiation Assessment Upon completion of your lesson and with approval of your mentor teacher, facilitate the lesson to the students chosen. Part 2: Lesson Reflection Using the “Phonics and Word Recognition: I Do, We Do, You Do” document, summarize and reflect upon your lesson plan, strategy, and facilitation in 250-500 words. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

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