Video Analysis Tool: Scaffolding Assignment Instructions Presentation: MyEducationLab Chapter 8: Student-Centered and Constructivist Approaches to Instruction Video Topic: 1) After analyzing the teaching video, describe 3 different strategies the teacher used to facilitate student learning. 2) Imagine you are teaching a lesson on a topic of your choice. Describe the lesson and articulate what types of teaching/learning strategies you would use to scaffold learning and to facilitate learning for your students in your own classroom? 3) Now consider the biblical approach to education to inform your thoughts on this topic. Consider a passage of Scripture and/or a fruit of the spirit to support your approach to implementing these teaching and learning strategies. Watch the video and write at least 150 words in response to each question/prompt. Responses must follow current APA format and include a title page and reference page. Cite at least 1 source in current APA format. You may use the textbook and/or scholarly journal articles as sources. When citing the Bible, list the reference followed by the version of the Bible. For example, you would write (Psalm 78:72, King James Version) or (Isaiah 40:28-31, New International Version). Remember, you are not to list the Bible in your list of references according to the most recent edition of the APA Manual since the Bible is considered a classic work. You can cite the video as follows: (Pearson Education). You can use the following reference for this video: Pearson Education (Producer). (n. a.). MyEducationLab chapter 8. student-centered and constructivist approaches to instruction [Video file]. Retrieved from Note: Submit this paper as a Word document in Blackboard. Submit Video Analysis Took: Scaffolding Assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 5.

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