Unit VII Essay For the Unit VII Essay, you will visit an art museum of your choice. You may visit one in person or take a virtual tour via the Internet. Below is a list of museums that offer virtual tours that you may want to review for this assignment. Please note that you are not limited to this list: Louvre National Gallery of Art The National Gallery You may select a virtual tour from this list or use the list included under the Websites tab in the Art Appreciation Libguide in the CSU Library at this link. Please include the name and location of your museum in your introductory paragraph. For this essay, write about two artworks from the periods we read about in Unit VII: Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionist, or Post-Impressionist periods. For each piece, address the following: Include the title, artist, date, medium, and scale. Describe the artwork. ? Describe the artist’s role in his or her society/community. What do you think is the artist’s message? What are the cultural significances of this piece? What historical elements are included in this piece? Formatting: Your essay will be at least five pages in length and include the following: Title page (1 page) Written Essay (2 pages) Image(s) (1 page) References (1 page) Use Times New Roman 12- point font. Double space all lines, and indent the first line of each paragraph. Your title page should be correctly formatted with a Running Head and page number listed in the Header area. Include your title, name, and school centered on the title page. Your written essay should contain at least three paragraphs (including an introductory and conclusion). Your last page will have the word References centered at the top.

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