Instructions Next week, Mr. Schlotzsky, an eighth-grade social studies teacher, will begin a chapter on colonial America. Hell lecture, write notes on the chalkboard, and give his students handouts. To assess their knowledge, Mr. Schlotzsky will ask his students to research colonial America in greater depth on the Internet and to give a three-to-five-minute oral presentation. Help Mr. Schlotzsky to evaluate the traditional materials and media he plans to use. For each a) list any potential barriers, and b) suggest UDL solutions. Components Barriers UDL Solution Lecture/ notes on chalkboard Handouts Internet research Oral report Imagine that you are a second-grade teacher beginning a unit on plants. Your goal is to teach the students the parts of a plant, making sure to incorporate the three principles of UDL. Using the table below, describe at least two ways you would present the information, assess your students, and maintain their engagement in the subject. Learning Goal Know the parts of a plant (roots, stem, flowers, leaves) Presentation Assessment Engagement
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