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Trust: Individual Report Project
BUAD 301 F21
Purpose: To develop research and problem-solving skills within a professional context; to learn
how to write an extended argument.
Situation: The Edelman Trust Barometer is a survey that covers up to 35,000 respondents
across six continents. It examines how much trust people have in the political, economic, and
social institutions that define modern society. For the purposes of this assignment, we will be
focusing on economic and/or business institutions.
Sometimes businesses make unpopular choices to stay afloat, particularly when there are other
social or political upheavals occurring at the same time. In these cases, the business must find
some method of regaining its customers’ trust. You will focus on the challenges a specific
business faces following a loss of trust in its customer base.
Find a business that is suffering from a lack of consumer confidence. (I recommend using the
ASCI Benchmark to help you find a good one.) Larger companies are better choices for this task
than small, local companies since there will be more evidence to work with. Once you find a
company that interests you, conduct research to get a better understanding of the trust issue.
Some areas that may help your project are listed below, but the list is certainly not exhaustive.
• What do we know about the industry the company is a part of? Is the trust issue something
shared by other companies in this industry? What challenges are unique in this industry?
• What do we know about the company’s history? What challenges has it faced in the past
and how were they handled?
• What is the company’s corporate culture like? What does its mission and/or ethics
statements say and how do they relate to how the company operates?
• What do we know about the company’s consumer base? Who are they? Why have they lost
trust in the company?
• What led to the company’s current situation? What elements are within its control, and
what does it have no control over at all?
Once you feel you have a strong grasp of the company’s situation on multiple dimensions,
address this task:
Task: In a correctly formatted investigative memo report addressed to Dr. Teeanna Rizkallah,
describe your selected company in detail, focusing on its current trust challenge. Describe the
trust issue the company faces in as much detail as possible. Finally, identify a strategy that
could address the issue you have identified through your research. Avoid suggesting things the
company is already doing. Think about unusual approaches that would particularly appeal to the
company’s traditional customers.
Keep track of your sources: cite them in the text and list them in your References. Incorrect
attribution causes a substantial reduction in your report grade.
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Trust: Individual Report Project
BUAD 301 F21
This assignment is worth up to 100 points.
Above all, DON’T BORE ME! Consider several options before you choose the company you feel is
best suited for analysis. Also, come up with concepts that will suit the company’s corporate
culture. If the company won’t do it, don’t recommend it.
October 1 (Friday)—an email (#1, 10 points) describing the company you will be
researching and its situation. You may not change your company after this date.
October 19 —peer critiques. You will receive up to 10 points for your complete draft, and up to 5
points for your useful critique of a classmate’s paper.
Use the format suggested by the Short Report Format document on our Canvas site (see Trust
Report Project module). You may also wish to refer to the report formats (feasibility) described
by The Business Writer’s Handbook for more information. Additional requirements:
• The text of the report should be single-spaced, font 11 or 12, 1-inch margins, 3-5 pages long.
This means a minimum of three full pages. Reference/bibliography page does not count
toward length.
• Use correct memo format addressed to me: Dr. Teeanna Rizkallah.
• Use titles for each section (and don’t be afraid to be creative).
• Use correct headers for pages 2 onward.
• Include a References page with at least 5 citations in standard APA style (you can use
surveys and interviews as well if you like). They must be as current as possible. The
references page does not count as text of the report.
• Proofread carefully and SPELLCHECK.
Expected Student Outcome:
You will be developing research skills and critical thinking skills. You will also learn how to
identify and target key issues in a real-world setting.
I’ll be looking for analysis above all. Look into the facts as well as at them. Provide a context and
boundaries to help me understand exactly what you are trying to say. Grading will follow the
CLASS rubric. I expect mechanical excellence, flawless format, and a perfect citation style.

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