After re-reading the chapters and conducting additional research, you should be able to list the advantages of switching to IPv6, including the benefits of auto-configuration, better traffic prioritization and delivery assurance, better inherent security, and a virtually endless supply of IP addresses. On the other hand, transitioning to IPv6 is not always seamless. Therefore, in 750-1,000 words, address the following: What is the network’s supportability with both IPv4 and IPv6 during its transition? How will you ensure that all of the network’s applications and TCP/IP services also support IPv6? How will you coordinate with other organizations with which the networks connected to determine how to handle their IPv4 or IPv6 traffic? How will you devise a new addressing approach for the network? How will you address networking hardware compatibility and addressing? How will you address outward-facing application compatibility and addressing? A few notes to keep in mind: 1) My essay should relate to the corporate company I have selected for my projects, which is Canyon Aeronautics (see attachment). 2)This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 3) This paper is due on Sunday at 11:59 PM. I will need it by tomorrow midnight if possible please because I need to submit it to Lopeswrite for any plagiarism.

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