Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

This week you read about types and purposes of emergency management training. A tabletop drill is a training exercise in which emergency situations are simulated and emergency responders share ideas for managing the incidents efficiently and successfully.

Watch the Emergency Management Training videos in the University Library to learn more about tabletop drills.

Then, search the internet for articles or videos that illustrate functional and full-scale training drills to understand the differences between training exercises emergency teams may experience.

Reflect on what you read or watched, and respond to one or both of the following prompts:

  • At what level in police, fire, or EMS training should emergency management be introduced? How critical is it to train new personnel in emergency management?
  • How can public sector leaders best evaluate emergency management programs for developing successful training and handling resolutions?

Provide citations and references for the material(s) you discuss.

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