Part 1 Write a problem statement based on your topic of study. Develop a 1- to 2- paragraph statement that is the result of a review of the articles you located on your topic. 1. Briefly describe the phenomena you are interested in studying. 2. Briefly summarize the key findings or what is understood about this phenomena based on the three articles you reviewed. 3. Briefly identify the “gap”—what do you see as an important, relevant, next step in learning more about this topic that would be appropriate for a qualitative study. (Note: As you write your problem statement, use your literature review/metaanalysis article, your theory article, and your research article to support your problem statement. Also, these articles should be included in your annotated bibliography framework.) Include your Annotated Bibliography section.
Part 2
Write a purpose statement using terminology of qualitative research. The purpose statement should contain: 1. A statement using the following template: The purpose of this qualitative study is to [choose one: explore, describe, understand, explain] the meaning/experience/culture/stories of [phenomenon of interest] in [population/setting]. 2. A justification of why the purpose of your study is suited for the qualitative approach in terms of: The phenomena you choose. The “fit” with a constructivist epistemology and ontology. The relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the phenomena of interest. Based on your knowledge of reflexivity, explain your relationship to the problem; and the issues of bias and positionality to be addressed. Include a brief description of the setting and possible sources of data. Write a research question using terminology of qualitative research. (Note: This could be the same research question you created in your Discussion 1 for this week ONLY if it applies to your topic of study for this Assignment.) The research question should incorporate and mirror the purpose statement using the following template: What is the meaning/experience/culture/stories of [phenomenon of interest] in [population/setting]? Include your updated Annotated Bibliography section.
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